Our Courses

Most Liked Courses

courses with large enrollments

Health science/ Nursing

Health science/ Nursing

Humanities and social studies

Humanities and social studies

Computing IT

Computing IT

Hospitality and commercial cookery

Hospitality and commercial cookery

Teaching and training courses

Teaching and training courses

Our Promises

"We can offer any course for any level of providers from TAFE to Universities in all states and territories in Australia."




Cookery & Hospitality

Information Technology

Social Work


Teaching and Education

Affiliated Colleges

Living Costs

1. Will your partner / spouse be included in your student visa application?

2. How many children will be included in your student visa application?

Course Fees

1. How much is your first year tuition fee? (Please press enter after typing)

School Costs

1. How many school aged children do you have?

Travel Costs

1. Are you applying from outside Australia?

Fee Calculator


Visa Subclass

1. Which of the following subclasses are you applying for?

Personal Information

1. Which age band do you fit into?

Personal Information

2. How would you rate your English language ability?

Education Qualification

1. Have you studied in Australia for at least 2 years which resulted in a degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) relevant to your nominated occupation?

Education Qualification

2. What is your highest Qualification?

Work Experience

1. In the last 10 years, how long have you worked (overseas) in your nominated occupation or closely related occupation?

Work Experience

2. In Australia, in the last 10 years, how long have you worked in your nominated occupation or closely related occupation?

Community Language

1. Do you have a recognised qualification in a credentialled community language?


1. Do your spouse or de facto partner meet the requirements listed below:

  • Under 45 years old
  • Had competent English
  • Had nominated a skilled occupation that is on the same skilled occupation list as your nominated skilled occupation
  • Authorised skills assessment for nominated skilled occupation

  • Education Detail

    1. Is the campus of your institution is in a regional area and you lived in a regional area during that 2 years?

    Education Detail

    2. Do you have a Master's degree by research or a Doctorate degree from an Australian educational institution which is in a relevant field (Natural and physical sciences, IT, Engineering and related technologies)for at least 2 years?

    Professional Year

    1. Did you complete a professional year in Australia?

    Your Score
